Estate planning specialist; Attorney practicing in Massachusetts

Planning Ahead, Living Fully

Long-term care planning is crucial for an uncertain future. Care needs can change in 5, 15, or 25 years, and costs in Massachusetts are high. Planning ahead can ease financial stress and Medicaid planning is vital. We can help you create a comprehensive long-term care plan.

Holistic Health and Wealth

Long-term care planning is about getting ready for an uncertain future. You can't predict the type of care you might need in 5, 15, or 25 years. Whether you stay independent or require assistance, planning is crucial. In Massachusetts, the average cost of nursing homes exceeds $10,000 per month. Considering this, planning for long-term care now can ease the financial burden later on. It's not just about your final years; accidents and serious medical events can lead to extended recovery periods. Long-term care planning acts as a safety net, providing support during challenging times and ensuring you're prepared for the unexpected.

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Medicaid and MassHealth

Medicaid planning is a crucial part of long-term care preparation. In Massachusetts, Medicaid is known as MassHealth, and meeting income requirements is essential for long-term care coverage. To qualify, you must not exceed certain asset limits. MassHealth has strict rules about transferring assets just before applying. Planning ahead is the key to safeguarding substantial assets without facing penalties from MassHealth.

Mastering the art of aging gracefully

An attorney can offer invaluable support, helping you navigate legal challenges, make informed decisions, and protect your interests with confidence. Here are some steps you might want to discuss.

  • Understanding Long-Term Care Needs

    Long-term care includes a range of services and support for individuals with chronic health conditions, disabilities, or illnesses. This care may be provided at home, in the community, or in residential facilities like nursing homes.

  • Healthcare Directives

    Establishing healthcare directives, such as a durable power of attorney for healthcare and a living will, allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf and outline your preferences for medical treatment, respectively. These documents guide healthcare providers and family members in case you cannot communicate your wishes.

  • Medicaid and MassHealth Planning

    Qualifying for Medicaid or MassHealth to cover long-term care expenses often involves meeting specific income and asset requirements. Strategic planning can help navigate these regulations and ensure eligibility without depleting all assets.

  • Real Estate Planning

    Real estate can play a significant role in long-term care planning, especially concerning MassHealth eligibility. Owning a home may impact eligibility, and planning tools like trusts can be used to protect the home while maintaining eligibility.

  • Regular Plan Review

    Life circumstances change, and so should your long-term care plan. Regularly reviewing and updating your plan ensures it aligns with your current situation, goals, and any changes in laws or regulations.

Let's Talk

Long-term care planning is an essential investment in your future well-being and financial security. We'll help you anticipate potential challenges and offer professional guidance that alleviates the burden on you and your loved ones.

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